Sunday, August 14, 2011


Paddlers leaving Green Turtle Hammock and into the storm

I've been outside a good bit and I've been fortunate enough to see some pretty spectacular displays from mother nature. Last night, however was the first time I've ever seen a moonbow without a waterfall. A few friends of mine and I went out paddling to watch the full moon rise over Islamorada but were promptly dumped on by a massive thunderstorm moving South through Florida Bay. Once the rain subsided it was well after the moon had risen and we docked the kayaks. Looking up at the storm in the distance my friend Leslie spotted a strange and faint arc in the sky. I quickly realized the moon was creating a rainbow and ran to get my camera. Apparently for this phenomenon to happen without a waterfall or spray of some kind, the moon must be low in the night sky (about 42 degrees or less) with rain falling on the opposite side of the horizon. This is extremely rare and I was so excited to see it with a group of friends to confirm that I wasn't crazy. It may not be a "keeper" photo, but if nothing else, it's just another reason why Florida Bay is so special.

A rare moonbow and lightning over Green Turtle Hammock on Florida Bay

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